Uncover cost-saving measures and revenue-generating opportunities through Insurance Services.



Our journey with your bank or credit union begins with a comprehensive analysis of your current landscape, during which our experts offer deep dives into prevailing market trends, explore diverse vendor opportunities, and pinpoint potential financial advantages. Following a thorough market review, we design a custom set of solutions perfectly aligned with your specific requirements and appetite for risk. Our strategic approach is designed to secure your long-term prosperity. We stand firmly by your side in negotiations, tirelessly working to uncover cost-saving measures and revenue-generating opportunities.

Two business women shaking hands after a successful insurance assessment.

Insurance Assessment

The initial assessment stands as the cornerstone of our approach, providing a golden chance to deeply understand your present challenges and strengths. By meticulously analyzing reports or engaging directly with your team, we embark on a journey to uncover your past trajectories and the promising avenues that await. Throughout this process, we'll delve into market trends, explore various vendor possibilities, and highlight the economic benefits that come with a thorough evaluation.

  • Current Contract Review
  • Policy Review
  • Premium & Claims Reporting
  • Performance Measurement
  • Pain Points
  • Industry Landscape
  • Regulatory & Compliance Issues
  • Consumer Surveys
  • Departmental Insight Meetings

Insurance Evaluation

To simplify the process for you, our team crafts a tailored and comprehensive Request for Proposal (RFP) to effectively engage with each vendor. Through this meticulous process, we deliver an exhaustive analysis of available market options, enabling a direct comparison on a level playing field. Recognizing that every financial institution has its unique requirements and risk tolerance levels, we leverage our deep industry knowledge to assemble the ideal combination of solutions.

Two Engage fi employees discussing an insurance evalucation.
  • Opportunities for Improvement
  • New Solution Targets
  • Custom Vendor RFP’s
  • Vendor Engagement
  • Summary Analysis
  • Vendor Evaluation
Engage fi employees discussing insurance strategy.

Insurance Strategy

Whether your aim is to enhance customer satisfaction, mitigate risks, or unlock new revenue streams, our mission is to guide you toward deploying a successful strategy. We're dedicated to uncovering solutions that not only meet your objectives but also secure a prosperous future for your business. The power of strategic transformation is not lost on us—we understand its potential to profoundly influence your operations. Our promise is to illuminate your path with clarity, providing a straightforward blueprint tailored to your needs.

  • Income Projections
  • Cost Savings Opportunities
  • Goal Creation & Measurement Tools
  • Timelines & Prioritization

Insurance Negotiation

As your steadfast partner in negotiation, excellence in bargaining is where we shine. Whether the task at hand involves changing vendors or clinching the most favorable agreement available, count on us to be fully engaged. Our zeal is directed at identifying avenues through which our clients can either reduce expenses or enhance their revenue.

Client signing an insurance document, a women points to the signature line.
  • Pricing Negotiation
  • Product & Solution Customization
  • Contract Review
  • Contract Translation
  • Vendor Performance Metrics

Meet Our Insurance Expert

Kellie Lowder is our Insurance expert - Kellie and the team guide financial institutions just like yours through risk management solutions and revenue-generating insurance programs. Want to know more about Kellie? Check out her bio.

Have questions?

Uncover the unknowns with our guidance. Our specialists are on standby, ready to offer you a complimentary consultation.