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Employee Spotlight – Jacy Mosser

Employee Spotlight – Jacy Mosser

Our Employee Spotlight this month is on Project Manager Jacy Mosser. In her nine months with Engage fi, Jacy has made a huge impact on the project team and benefitting our clients. Project management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve project goals, and as a Project Manager, Jacy helps coordinate the teams and make sure the project is proceeding as scheduled.  She not only enjoys working closely with clients and our consultants during strategic projects, she also excels at it.

Jacy is the youngest of four daughters raised by a smart, strong-willed, and, at times, stubborn mom.  She worked hard to give them the best life, so that is where Jacy’s work ethic comes from. Jacy’s work ethic has carried her through more than 12 years in the industry following her passion for helping credit unions ensure their goals are achieved, leading her to come to work with Engage fi following the recommendation of a friend.

Jacy has lived in Illinois her whole life, and, if it weren’t for her family, she would have moved somewhere warmer a long time ago.  From November to March, Jacy can be found at home, wrapped up in a blanket reading a book, or binge-watching tv shows to pass the time.  When spring and summer arrive, she barely spends any time at home.  She takes advantage of the more agreeable weather to travel to visit family, watch her nieces and nephews play baseball, softball, football, acting, dancing, or whatever new activity they are in, or sit by the pool enjoying the sunshine and blue skies.

There’s more to this story, and it is November after all, so grab a blanket, a hot cup of tea, or coffee, and read on to learn more about Jacy.

Q&A with Jacy

Q: If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?                                                                                                    A: Lobster.

Q: Is the glass half empty or half full?                                                          A: Depends on what is in the glass!  I am an optimist, so it’s half full.

Q: What is your favorite holiday?                                                                A: Christmas.

Q: Do you have a motto or a mantra? What is it?                                    A: Stay humble, work hard, be kind.  I have this on a sign in my office, and it’s a good representation of me.

Q: Describe Engage fi in 5 words or less:                                                    A: Helping clients achieve success.

Q: If you could learn to do any one thing, what would it be?                A: Play the guitar.  I always wanted to, but I have absolutely no musical talent.

Q: When you have 30 minutes of free time, what are you doing?          A: Organizing (it relaxes me) or reading.

Q: What chore do you hate?                                                                      A: Dusting & cleaning bathrooms.

Q: What is your favorite 90’s jam?                                                                A: No Scrubs by TLC or Poison by Bell Biv DeVoe (but I could name about 100 more if you asked).

Q: Have you ever met anyone famous?                                                    A: Yes, Steven Boss (better known as tWitch) from The Ellen Degeneres Show.

Q: What was your first concert?                                                                  A: New Kids on the Block (please don’t judge 😊).

Q: What is on the radio in your car?                                                            A: Pandora – but I am very rarely in my car these days.

Q: When are you happiest?                                                                        A: When I get to spend time with my nieces & nephews.  Or curled up on the couch with a blanket reading a great book.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working here?                                    A: The people – my colleagues and the clients that I get the pleasure of working with daily.

Q: What are some of your hobbies outside the office?                            A: Reading, going for walks (when it’s not cold outside), spending time with family and friends, puzzles, and re-organizing rooms in my home.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?                                          A: Buy a nice house and start a college fund for all my nieces & nephews.  And donate to several local charities. And go on a fantastic vacation!

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?                                                                  A: Binge-watching shows on Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Prime.

Q: What is on your bucket list?                                                                    A: Travel more – I would love to go to Greece, Spain, and Australia, just to name a few.

Q: What are your pet peeves?                                                                    A: Being late.

Q: When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?                  A: Last weekend.  When my sister and I get together, there are always plenty of shenanigans.

Q: Where is your hometown?  Where are you now?  If different, what brought you there?                                                                                    A: Hometown – Glendale Heights, IL; Now – Milan, IL; I have lived in several different cities in Illinois – moved around for family, college & work.

Q: What is your favorite thing or place in the city you live in?                A: It is small-town living with proximity to a larger city with great shopping & restaurants.

Q: Best advice you’ve ever been given?                                                  A: Don’t take yourself too seriously.  Take time to enjoy life.

Q: What is the best vacation you’ve taken?                                              A: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico – a week of relaxing by the ocean and pool with unlimited drinks.  Pure bliss!

Q: Are you messy or organized?                                                                  A: A little of both.  I call it “controlled chaos”.

Q: What book did you read last?                                                                A: I am in the middle of Fundamental of Project Management by Joseph Heagney. And on the fun side, I am getting ready to start Chasing Fireflies by Charles Martin.  It was recommended on my Kindle app.  I love anything where I can escape for a little while.

Q: What is an ability you wish you had?                                                      A: To be able to fall asleep faster.  I lay in bed for about an hour before I start to doze off (probably because I can’t shut my brain off and am already planning what needs to be done the next day).

Q: What is your definition of success?                                                        A: Overcoming the obstacles that life throws your way.

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