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Employee Spotlight – Mark Mahoney

Employee Spotlight – Mark Mahoney

This month’s employee spotlight is on Mark Mahoney. Mark joined Engage fi in August of 2022 as an Area Vice President for Strategic Consulting. His primary responsibility is building and maintaining relationships with financial institutions across several states. Mark’s goal is to foster mutually beneficial strategic partnerships with these institutions and help them identify opportunities to save time, save money, and solve problems. His personal brand statement is “I make a positive difference in the lives of others.”

Mark joined Engage fi because he had worked across the table from many consultants and consulting firms for over 20 years and he noticed that Engage fi was different than the others. He watched how Jenn and James, and now Andres, operated on a different strategic level with their clients. Mark knew he wanted to be a part of the team, and he has been enjoying working here ever since. His favorite thing about working at Engage fi is the phenomenal culture and the amazing people.

Outside of the office, Mark has several hobbies, including golf, exercise, running (grudgingly), live music, and comedy. He finds humor in just about anything or anyone, and stories of people overcoming adversity and ultimately creating successful outcomes inspire him. Mark’s guilty pleasure is 80’s comedy movies, and he would choose Maryland crab cakes as the one meal he would eat for the rest of his life.



Q: Is the glass half empty or half full?                                                          A: Full, always.

Q: What is one thing about you few people know?                                  A:  I run a 210-mile mountain relay race with 11 of my friends every September. Close second, I have jumped out of a perfectly good airplane.

Q: What makes you laugh?                                                                          A:  I find the humor in just about anything or anyone.

Q: What is your favorite holiday?                                                                A: Thanksgiving – Family, Food and Football make for the greatest American holiday.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?                                          A: Boring part – Make sure to secure the financial future of those closest to me. Giving part – Fund the causes that mean the most to me. Fun part – Travel the world for at least a year.

Q: What is your definition of success?                                                        A:  Setting lofty goals and then exceeding them.

Q: Best vacation you’ve taken?                                                                  A: Ireland

Q: Are you messy or organized?                                                                  A: Both.

Q: If you could pick one theme for Engage fi to turn into a book about the company, what would you choose?                                        A: Thriving beyond the status quo.


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