James Guild Headshot

James Guild

Co-Founder, Strategic Advisor

What the Team Says About James

James cares deeply for everyone he works with and is considered the “fun dad” at Engage fi. He is an energetic, engaging, and laser-focused entrepreneur. James has never met a stranger, and you’ll never meet a celebrity who doesn’t know him.

James’ Bio

James brings over 30 years of experience in the Banking and Credit Union Industry to Engage fi with previous senior leadership positions at Fiserv and Open Solutions. Before founding Engage fi, James held the position of Chief Sales Officer at PSCU.

James was educated in England and moved to the United States in 1984. He lives in Treasure Island, FL with his wife, Bettina, and their daughter Alyssa lives in Orlando.


James’ Fun Facts

Favorite All-Time Song: “Bohemian Rhapsody” – Queen

Favorite Cities: Cape Town, South Africa and Sydney, Australia

Trait that best describes me (in one word): Resilient

Dream Job (besides the one I have now): Richard Branson’s

Favorite Movies: Braveheart and Gladiator


James’ Expertise

Bill Pay
Debit Networks


 Contact James