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Employee Spotlight – Trisa Wetzel

Employee Spotlight – Trisa Wetzel

Trisa Wetzel is the Senior Vice President of Consulting Services at Engage fi. In this role, she oversees the design and implementation of new project tools and Core conversion methodologies, embodying her brand statement of “Lead by example” daily. Trisa was enticed to work at Engage fi by Andres Pasantes due to the company’s excellent work culture, which has provided her with the freedom to create and the constant support from the senior leadership team.

In her free time, Trisa enjoys traveling and spending time with her family. She has traveled to all 50 states in the US and taken a 21-day cruise around South America and the Antarctic, which she considers her best vacation. Her guilty pleasure is dark chocolate and cookies, but if she could only have one meal for the rest of her life, it would be bread and cheese. Trisa’s spirit animal is a lion, which represents strength and courage. She also aspires to learn multiple foreign languages.

Trisa’s top three life highlights include marrying her husband, having lived in an RV, and doing the work she loves every day. Trisa defines success as when those she has led follow wherever she goes. Her advice for new hires is to trust the process and embrace an environment that only wants to see them succeed.



Q: What makes you laugh?                                                                          A: Life and my dog!

Q: What inspires you?                                                                                    A: My friends and striving to do the right thing in any situation.

Q: What is your favorite holiday?                                                                A: July 4th

Q: Do you have a motto or a mantra? What is it?                                    A:  Don’t regret tomorrow what you should or should not have done today.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?                                          A: I would pay off all my family members’ debts and build homes for them all on one property.

Q: What was your favorite book, toy, or outfit as a child?                        A: Cowboy boots.

Q: Where is your hometown?  Where are you now?  If different, what brought you there?                                                                                        A:  I am from all over the US. Born in CA, raised in AZ and NC and now live in MO.

Q: When are you the happiest?                                                                  A:  Watching it snow, sitting in front of the fireplace.

Q: Describe Engage fi in 5 words or less:                                                    A: Commitment, passion, opportunity, forgiveness, visionary.

Q: When you have 30 minutes of free time, what are you doing?          A: Playing Wordle.




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