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Employee Spotlight – Ava Farrell

Employee Spotlight – Ava Farrell

This employee spotlight is on Ava Farrell, who is Engage fi’s resident PIN Network expert! Ava came to work for Engage fi as a Strategic Consultant about a year and a half ago via a connection she made with one of her former clients-turned-work colleagues. Ava leaves a lasting impression on those lucky enough to know her.

Engaging with the Farrells

Family is a significant part of who Ava is. She grew up in a military family and moved every four years. Meeting lifelong friends and spending time with extended family was extra special since most of the time she and her immediate family were across the country (or even the world) from those they loved. Ava calls Niceville, FL, her hometown since that is where she lived the longest before adulthood. She currently lives in Oviedo, FL with her family. She gravitated to Oviedo because it was a lot like Niceville and she stays because of the sense of community that her whole family can appreciate.

Ava and her family have a family Sunday dinner as often as possible and with as many family members as they can. With six kids and two grandkids, she’s got a packed table! Sundays are especially special this time of year because her family loves “American Football” (that’s for James) and they go to as many Buffalo Bills games as they can. Her kids have attended several different Florida colleges, so to say they are a house divided is an understatement! Her family holds season tickets to UCF football and every year they go to Florida versus Florida State football game and host a huge tailgate for family and friends. Stop by and see her if you plan to go!

In college, Ava started out wanting to be a lawyer. When that fizzled out, she wanted to be a counselor. Fast forward several years, and now she gets to work in the payments industry matching credit unions with their perfect payments partner, about which she is very enthusiastic! Read on to learn more about Ava.

Ava’s Interesting Facts

Q: What is your favorite holiday?                                                                A: 4th of July

Q: Is the glass half empty or half full?                                                          A: Half full- always

Q: What is one thing about you few people know?                                  A: One of my first jobs was working at a hospital sterilizing operating rooms.  Not a job for a weak stomach.

Q: What do you enjoy most about working here?                                    A: The people- our culture is genuine.

Q: What are some of your hobbies outside the office?                            A: I always seem to be the Treasurer for the groups I volunteer for, I love it!  I think it comes from my old teller days.

Q: What makes you laugh?                                                                          A: Stupid jokes and silly dog memes

Q: What inspires you?                                                                                    A: I am inspired by people that do the right thing when no one is looking.

Q: What would you do if you won the lottery?                                          A: Take care of my family, increase my charitable giving, and buy season tickets to the Bills games.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?                                                                  A: It was watching Game of Thrones, I am currently into Succession- wild TV shows for sure!

Q: If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?                                                                                                A: Pizza and wings

Q: What is your definition of success?                                                        A: Being able to do what makes me happy.

Q: Best vacation you’ve taken?                                                                  A: Viking River Cruise on the Rhine River—Ahhhhmazing!

Q: Are you messy or organized?                                                                  A: Organized

Q: Do you have an office nickname?                                                        A: Aver and Queen PIN

Q: What is your spirit animal?                                                                        A: I would say a dog. It’s the animal I love the most for its loyalty and companionship.

Q: What book did you read last?                                                                A: Firefly Lane

Q: What is on your bucket list?                                                                     A: Attend a Superbowl, a World Series Baseball game and a World Cup Soccer game, RV across America visiting all 50 states

Q: What was your favorite book, toy, or outfit as a child?                        A: I read Nancy Drew books, always thought I would be a detective.

Q: When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried?                  A: Last week, I was reading a post of the failed auto-correct text messages- I was dying- I love to laugh so much I can’t catch my breath!

Q: Have you ever met anyone famous?                                                    A: Yes, Henry Winkler, on a plane, very nice.

Q: First concert?                                                                                            A: Heart, on Destin beach in the ’80s.

Q: What is on the radio in your car?                                                            A: The 80’s channel on SiriusXM

Q: What chore do you hate?                                                                      A: Grocery shopping

Q: Are you a hunter or a gatherer?                                                            A: Gatherer

Q: Advice for new hires?                                                                              A: Buckle up buttercup, it’s going to be a fun and wild ride!

Q: Best advice you’ve ever received?                                                       A: Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

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